I thought it would be suitable to do my first post on my latest project- just in time for winter. My sister had a jumper which she no longer needed and i have been wanting to applique my own jumper for ages, so here was the opportunity!! I wont go into loads of detail how i did it...you can see the pictures but heres how it was done...
Beginning with the jumper, I measured the space that I had room for applique and drew a full scale design, which as you will see i changed later anyways- I tend to abandon my patterns a lot =O
I chose my patterned applique fabric and backed it with interfacing. After tracing my pattern piece, it was cut out, pinned to the patterned fabric and the fabric was cut out.
This was the hard part- appliquing it on. I interfaced the inside of the front of my jumper to stiffen it, then pinned the "Surf" shape where I wanted it and sewed in a satin stitch around the whole shape. For those who may not know...satin stitch is a form of applique and is a zig-zag where the width is generally around 3 or 4 and the length 0.5-1.5- just experiment till you love it.
Once this was done I wanted to put numbers on it too so I drew these on the interfaced side of some polar fleece-ish fabric. **Rememer to do it back to front- I didn't and well....my numbers were back to front** I cut these out and instead of sati stitching them, I did a running stitch with three strands of embroidery thread, giving it a different effect than the patterned script.
That was all! Because the jumper is already bought it is really quick- the only downfall is its fiddley-ness. The pictures are below because some silly computer monkey decided my pictures didnt belong with the text so I am hoping they are 'linkable' with the text... =O
I hope you are inspired to re-vamp some of your own wardobes!! =)
