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Rococo costume

Ever since seeing the trailer for 'Marie Antoinette', I've been loving the days of Rococo and late 1700's, particulary the extravagently clothed and elaborately accesorised women. (Since school finished, my spelling has become awful. lol) Knowing me, of course I had to have a go for myself, so changing the fabric of the times from glamourous silk to old sheets and emroidered brocade to an unused curtain, I created this representation. I had some inspirational images, but for some reason they refused to upload. grrrrrr

I included the back when from when the dress was still in progress, to show the 'saque' typical of the time, consisting of pleated fabric draping from the neckline down to the ankles. Normally the skirt (which here is hunter green) is the same fabric as the rest.

My sister wanted to wear it for a historical day, so she lovingly helped me put on the finishing touches, including the underskirts and side panniers. sounds fancy right? nope, just old drapes converted to a petticoat and flat pillows held up at the waist with a belt.

The final product wasnt exactly hisotircally correct, and seamstresses would shudder at my shortcuts, but it was loads of fun, and i would make another one any day =)






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