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DIY Denim Jacket Merge its about time to add another DIY or not?! Let's just say its been a while... about 2 months to be exact.... But looky here! I made another jumper/jacket and its out of old denim!! (...again...yeah...) Jeans are great and who would've known you can make so much out of something so, well... pre-used?!

This one is a little bit different though, instead of going for jeans, I've found an old denim jacket which was begging me for a new look. I chopped its sleeves off a little too spontaneously, so then I was pretty stumped on what to do with it.

...until i found some scraps of grey jumper fleece (I don't even know what its called, how weird is that?! Its fleecy inside and knit on the outside, the fabric jumpers you buy from the shop are made from). Well there wasn't loads left, but enough to cut out sleeves, cuffs (so much easier than hunting through shops for matching ribbing) and a hood. Oh, and somewhere in the beginning of the process I rubbed a bit of extra bleach on the pockets, shoulders and upper back. (i may have spilt a bit between the middle buttons too....shhhhhh =) )

The sleeves I sewed in like normal sleeves (as to the cuffs), and the hood I pinned right side up to the inside of the collar, then 'stitched in the ditch' on the outside where the collar is joined to the jacket.

So without further ado, here is the collage....I will let it do the explaining =)






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