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Weetbix smoothie!?

(Just pretend for a moment that the photos are food-instagrammer-worthy...or anything that's not the shadowed, un-posed snaps I uploaded... lets just say my forte is not in smoothie photography! =) )

As you most likely would have realized this post is not about sewing, in fact its about my absolute love for the Aussie breakfast cereal Weetbix and how i can do without it and..... Jokes. Not really. Weetbix and me don't exactly get along. It must be my Dutch heritage that disagrees with the cereal's motto "Aussie Kids are Weetbix Kids", and dont get me wrong, I was raised on this stuff and I liked it back in the day but I guess Sanitarium's other options became more appealing.... dad eats it still and when I saw the latest box design with a smoothie recipe on the side i straight away thought "Yay Weetbix knows what the good stuff is!!" (I LOVE smoothies)...that is, until i saw it had a whole Weetbix in it. Yeah, cereal in a smoothie. It's probably really healthy because Weetbix has so many wholegrains in it but still....

Well the other day I was making a smoothie for lunch with milk and banana and berries and went into the cupboard to grab the chia seeds when i saw the box again and was like 'hey, i'm basically making the recipe...lets add a teeeeeny weeeeeny amount of Weetbix to fill me up for lunch'. So I did. The teeeny weeeny bit probably became a 1/4 brick, which was the perfect amount to get the wholesome taste, without tasting full blown Weetbix. (I must admit I did add those chia seeds and cinnamon which could've changed the taste a bit)

When I tasted it it was AMAZING! I loved its filling-ness (is that even a word?!) and the berry taste and I didn't feel like I was sipping at a glass of heart-attack.

So here's a picture of the box if you don't have Weetbix in your house so you can try it yourself, its honestly absolutely fabulatastic!! And if you try it let me know what you think!

--Look out Boost theres a new smoothie in town....! =)






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