Here's a post I saw a post on the Live Action Facebook page:
"Every human rights injustice DEHUMANIZES the innocent victim"
It lead me to think.
Every human rights movement seems to end up doing the opposite: taking the rights off one group and putting them on another, and then destroying those who 'have no rights'.
Are we humans? Of course! anyone would agree! Is any other given race a human? (They do look different after all...) I think most of us would agree, of course they are! The Jews were humans, yet Hitler thought it was a good idea to kill them. The slaves were just as human as any of their owners, yet because they had a different appearance they were deemed inhuman.
The unborn child, developing in the womb is just as much human as you and me. Some may not agree, but do you want to know the link between all three of these marginalized people?
They are all dehumanized, so other humans can destroy and use them to escape responsibility. Used to make others look better. Destroyed to make one man's 'perfect' race. Murdered to escape parenthood.
Slavery was right at the time. Now looking back it was horrendous. We wouldn't be able to find many these days who believe Hitler was doing the right thing either. I'm not saying I don't realize the challenge an unplanned pregnancy can bring, but can we just look for a moment at abortion from the bigger picture rather than as the mother's choice?
Because its two humans involved, and one of them doesn't get a choice.
Just a thought.