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A letter to my sisters in Christ

It's been a! But this space just got a little de-clutter, and face-lift, all ready for this little piece I wrote recently. Take it to heart. And remember...the most attractive accessory you can wear is a smile which shines from a beautiful soul. =)

My dear sisters in Christ,

You are not defined by the clothes you wear. You are not valued by the cash in your wallet. You are not measured by your ability to play sport or draw. You are not worthy based on your relationship status. You are not compared with your sisters beside you.

Because... makeup washes off, and clothes go out of style, and 'perfect beauty' doesn't exist, and money doesn't last, and you have your own incredible talents, and you don't need a boyfriend to glorify God, and...

we hear it all the time, but I'm saying it again: you are not your friends, you are YOU.

Girls, you are loved; so, so LOVED,

each and every individual one of you!

You are loved by the One who clothes you in glory. You are loved by the One who payed for your salvation. You are loved by the One who gives each a unique gift so no-one can say they are useless. You are loved by the One who will endure everything with you till the end. You are loved by the One who truly knows your heart and its beauty, because He created our perfect design and said "it is good".

You are God's.

With that brings an unfailing promise of care and providence, and an eternity to set our desires on.

Life isn't about us, and our bodies aren't even what life's about.

They are vessels through which you can glorify God in this life

. You are fully loved by God. Nothing greater can add to your value. Remind each other daily. You are not alone.

We are in this together.

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14






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