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all things
A Christian girl's blog sharing art, sewing, and God's love

A letter to my sisters in Christ
It's been a! But this space just got a little de-clutter, and face-lift, all ready for this little piece I wrote recently....

Finished Journal!!
So yesterday, after three or four years of progress and lack of A6 mixed media book got completed! Yep, every last page. No...

Wrecked the Journal
Well well.... This Wreck this Journal may look a little familiar if you read this post:
Just a little thought on a much bigger issue
Here's a post I saw a post on the Live Action Facebook page: "Every human rights injustice DEHUMANIZES the innocent victim" It lead me to...

Changing Time...well, the clock at least...
Once upon a time there was a clock. A plain white and black clock. A cheap Kmart clock to be honest. Much like all of the other clocks...

A Cinderella Story
"Have Courage and be Kind, for where there is kindness there is goodness and where there is goodness there is magic" It all started with...

The making of a graduation dress
It was three years ago that my class was graduating from John Calvin School, finishing year 10 and off to the world of public...

Chevron Crotchet Blanket
Before I begin I'll put it out there that 'blanket' probably isn't the best term to use...lap rug is more accurate due to the fact I got...

Weetbix smoothie!?
(Just pretend for a moment that the photos are food-instagrammer-worthy...or anything that's not the shadowed, un-posed snaps I...

DIY Denim Jacket Merge its about time to add another DIY or not?! Let's just say its been a while... about 2 months to be exact.... But looky here! I made...
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